Water & Gender
Località: Centro Congressi Le Benedettine - Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, 16, 56125 Pisa PI, ItaliaData: 28 Gennaio 2025 08:00 - 31 Gennaio 2025 21:00 Da martedì 28 gennaio a venerdì 31 gennaio presso il Polo Congressuale Le Benedettine si terrà il workshop internazionale dal titolo "Water & Gender". L'evento è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dal Comitato Unico di Garanzia dell'Università di Pisa in collaborazione con il World Water Assesment Programme - WWAP dell'UNESCO.La partecipazione è gratuita. L'evento si articolerà in 5 sessioni: Gender equal funding Policy instruments for inclusion and equality in water Women's leadership, participation and decision-making in water Inclusive access, use and management of water Gender equality and the data gap The workshop Despite advances made through international policy agendas in acknowledging the need to progress towards gender equality in water large gender inequalities persist in practice. In
Data: 28 Gennaio 2025 08:00 - 31 Gennaio 2025 21:00
Da martedì 28 gennaio a venerdì 31 gennaio presso il Polo Congressuale Le Benedettine si terrà il workshop internazionale dal titolo "Water & Gender".
L'evento è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dal Comitato Unico di Garanzia dell'Università di Pisa in collaborazione con il World Water Assesment Programme - WWAP dell'UNESCO.
La partecipazione è gratuita.
L'evento si articolerà in 5 sessioni:
- Gender equal funding
- Policy instruments for inclusion and equality in water
- Women's leadership, participation and decision-making in water
- Inclusive access, use and management of water
- Gender equality and the data gap
The workshop
Despite advances made through international policy agendas in acknowledging the need to progress towards gender equality in water large gender inequalities persist in practice. In many parts of the world, women remain under-represented in terms of participation at all levels, from institutional bodies that manage national or transboundary waters, to water-related institutions such as governmental water agencies and water utilities, as well as from local water management institutions.
In 2021, UNESCO WWAP together with a Multi-stakeholder Coalition launched a global Call for Action to accelerate gender equality in the water domain, set to culminate in 2030 with the completion date of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The Global Multi-stakeholder Coalition consists of -among others- 23 Member States, and more than 160 individual members from over 60 institutions, including international and regional organizations, funding agencies and ODAs, international and local NGOs, private sector, civil society, foundations and academia.
As part of these efforts, UNESCO WWAP and the University of Pisa are organizing this International Workshop on Water and Gender. The event will bring together water and gender scientists, governmental institutions, and practitioners.
Call for Abstracts
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Scadenza: 30 maggio 2024
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